Cole Family Adventures

About This Site

What is the purpose of this site?

This site is really just a personal place intended to record memories, give updates, and leave some how-to’s to try and remember how in the hell we did something the first time. There may be some useful information buried within and we will do our best to make it more easily found.

Expectation of Content:

Like I said this is more of a personal log. Don’t expect to see new content all of the time. If you are interested in being notified of new content, then subscribe to be notified.

We also make no promises that we will keep the content consistently clean of vulgar language, or personal opinions that might offend someone. If you don’t like what we write, then stop reading, move on, and find your safe space elsewhere.


So, there may be some how-to’s on the site, and like previously stated they are mostly for me. I am making no promises that they will work for you, not blow things up, or give you the same and expected outcome that I had. Some of the content could lead to the destruction of your crap. Don’t be stupid, use caution, use “common” sense, and whatever you do, do not hold me responsible. Proceed at your own risk.

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